2018 goals

1 January 2018

Happy New Year, friends! Isn’t it marvelous that we’re all here for another year? :) Another year to learn and grow and move closer to the people we want to be.

Can I tell you a secret? Sometimes I worry that my goals aren’t big enough or different enough or important enough. Sometimes I worry that I never change, that I’m always just working on variations of the same things.

And you know what? There’s some truth in that. One of the greatest blessings of my life is that I have known who I am and what I want from a young age. I have great confidence in what matters to me and what does not.

You know how I’ve known my spirit age is 36 from the time of about 16? That understanding has given me the freedom to unapologetically craft the life I’ve been envisioning all along. So no, I generally don’t set goals like running a marathon, founding a charity, or selling my possessions and traveling the world at the beginning of the year. I’m not against “big” goals by any means, and if one becomes meaningful to me in the future, I will gladly take it on.

It’s just that in my life, the big things are the little things. I know who I want to be at 40 and 60 and 80. I might not know all the specifics (who knew I’d end up a Southerner??), but I have the general outline — enough to continue filling it in, little by little.

So here we go! Another year of adding color and dimension to this marvelous life. With that, I’m so happy to share my four 2018 focal areas…

2018 vision board

Yes, focal areas, not goals! These are my areas of focus for this year, and I’ll flesh them out with specific, smaller projects and goals each month as I work through my PowerSheets.

1. Hear and do the Word. See and respond to needs. Observe the Sabbath. Listen to God. Be at home at church. Teach my daughter about God’s love.
Why? 2017 was a year of soaking in wisdom, and now I’m ready to put what I’ve learned into action, because that is what He desires for me. James 1:22-25 is my verse here.
How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: Proud I spent time on what matters most. Likely humbled.
How I will celebrate making progress on this goal: I will record the highlights in my Life List as a record of His faithfulness.

2. Refine our home. Evolve our color scheme. Carve out distinct areas. Find new solutions for our changing needs.
Why? Our home is the arena for learning, growth, and unconditional love, and nothing matters more than love. If we can make it better, we should.
How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: We will feel more at home in our home, content, and reminded of what matters most.
How I will celebrate making progress on this goal: A new home tour on Em for Marvelous!! :)

3. Fuel my body. Revolutionize meal planning. A fruit or veg with every meal. Less sugar. More water.
Why? I only get one and I want it to be capable of doing everything I ask it to.
How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: Proud of myself for doing hard things and for strengthening my good choices muscle!
How I will celebrate making progress on this goal: I’ll treat myself to fruit along the way and we’ll celebrate with a delicious feast on NYE.

4. Build our legacy. Strengthen or set habits and rhythms. Record memories. Equip others. Invest in my people.
Why? I am blessed to be a blessing. I have been given much, and it is mine to be given away. I want to spend time on things that last longer than me.
How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: Like things are on the right track but there is still more to do!
How I will celebrate making progress on this goal: Maybe a new piece of artwork for our home?

That last one’s a little vague, but you know what? The important thing is that it works for me :) And I look forward to fleshing out all of these more over the coming weeks and months!

And with that, here are my goals for January:
— Set a date for our spring camping trip
— File all paperwork in our blue room
— Make our “areas to be purged” list
— Tackle two areas I already know need help: our closet shelf and pantry
— Walk our home with John and make a list of needs and wants, then rank them
— Browse through The Lifegiving Home online resources (now that I’ve finished the book – so good!!)
— Write June a note on her second birthday (continuing a tradition)
— Set up my Life List
— Order our 2017 photos from Social Print Studio
— Confirm my EFM posting plans for January
— Order my Fruit of the Spirit canvas

There are few things I love more than reading about other’s goals! (Second only to reading other people’s Christmas cards, haha!) If you’ve posted your goals somewhere, I’d love to see – or just drop them in the comments! I can’t wait to take a peek and cheer you on.

Vision board sources, clockwise from top left: little girl, beautiful home, fruit, sailboat, kitchen table, soup, back steps, PB&J, fruits of the spirit

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January 1, 2018 9:24 am

“The big things are the little things.” Yes! Same for me too.
Here’s my list for 2018: https ://thebigwhitefarmhouse.blogspot.com/2018/01/no63-my-2018-goals-projects-list.html

January 1, 2018 2:55 pm

We could be twins :)
These goals are so similar to my own – my husband and I leave on Wednesday for a three night goal planning trip and I am going to finish up my Powersheets then. I cannot wait to share them.
Good luck lovely lady x

January 1, 2018 5:42 pm

Is it weird that I got teary-eyed reading your post? I most definitely did, because I felt God’s love and light fueling every word you shared. I’m so excited for your year ahead and will pray for your goals!

January 1, 2018 8:21 pm

We are similar in the way that we’ve always known who we’ve wanted to be since a young age! My goals this year focus on preparing for my wedding and marriage (!!!), becoming better with finances (I admittedly could use some work here) and to really and truly focus on my writing career. Of course growing in Christ is a constant goal for every single season! I wish you the best in your goals!! xo

January 2, 2018 12:34 am

Girl…THIS POST! Gracious, I feel like there is so much weight and beauty in the simplicity of your focal areas. This post and your post from a while back on being satisfied in our current home both hit me SO HARD. I couldn’t agree with you more when it comes to your goal areas. I don’t really care for the “big” things. I want to be a good steward of the “little” things that are in front of me, glorifying God as I learn to foster those areas well.

Bonnita Chazen
January 2, 2018 3:31 am

Your goal related posts are always so inspirational. Each year I read them and each year I try and push myself to create a list and complete it as best I can!!
Thank you for always being so inspiring and I enjoy taking small meaningful messages from everything you write!

Have the beautiful 2018 that you and your family deserves.

January 2, 2018 2:54 pm

I always look forward to following your goals because they breathe life and inspiration into my very own. Love you, Em! Happy 2018, friend.

January 2, 2018 2:56 pm

I always love reading through your monthly goal posts and it sounds like you have an amazing year of goals ahead. I just posted my goals today! http://www.justjld.com/2018/01/word-of-year-goals.html Jess at Just Jess

January 2, 2018 3:33 pm

“Be at home at church.” This is my favorite :) Incorporating it into my goals!

January 3, 2018 6:27 am

Love reading and following your goals! I also always love your vision board! I struggle making a vision board that really conveys how I want my year to feel. Would love to know how you put yours together. I posted my goals here http://www.lowedownwithwhitney.com/2018/01/02/2018-and-january-goals/

January 4, 2018 9:28 pm

Your inspiration board is marvelous Emily! How wonderful that your goals are all foundational to a life well lived, too! I’m cheering you on, friend! :)