May 2018 goals

1 May 2018

Hello, friends! Happy May! I thought I’d try something a little different for this month’s goals post. In my most recent survey, a few of you said you didn’t care for goals posts (though the majority of you love them!). Separately, I’ve toyed with the idea of writing a periodic “what I’m loving” post, but have never followed through. What I’m proposing is a bit of a hybrid: in addition to my usual inclusions, I’ll add in a few extra categories as a window into things that might not make it into a full post but could be fun to share. I’d love to hear what you think!

Without further ado…

lettuce garden

On my calendar this month:
— Our sixth annual camping trip with the Rays (praying for good weather!)
— Mother’s Day
— A visit from John’s parents

What I’m loving right now:
— Dresses! Bad news: I am already over pants, shorts, and belly bands this pregnancy. I’m sure I’ll continue to wear them, but right now all I want to wear is dresses. I just bought this one and this one (both non-maternity) from Old Navy, and they are soooo comfy!
— Strawberry picking! We have been five times already – good thing there’s a pick-your-own patch about four minutes from our house :)
This simple art project! I think June and I will tackle it for Mother’s Day gifts for grandmas and her great-grandma.
— Lettuce! Our garden is stuffed with it. Two of my favorite salads: cobb and this chopped chicken taco version.

What I read in April:
Nurture Shock: You’ll hear more about this one in my upcoming post on parenting books, but I found it fascinating! Full of both interesting ideas and actionable tips. Kind of like a parenting version of a Malcolm Gladwell or Freakenomics book.
The Tech-Wise Family: Yes. Just yes.
Commonwealth: A novel recommended as a favorite by one of my most avid reader friends. It took me a bit to get into, since the characters aren’t the most likable, but I enjoyed it in the end! I was also glad to finally have read something by Ann Patchett, since she’s a legit legend.
Savor: Even though this is a devotional, I’m currently reading it like a novel, one month per day. Shauna’s writing is just so nice to sink into at bedtime! :)

Revisiting my goals for April:
Complete the purging of the remaining areas on our downstairs list (more progress made here!)
Clean out and organize the blue room closet
Fill out the two-year-old section of June’s baby book
Start a wish list for baby number two
Inquire with three more designers/services about e-design
Gather and cull all loose printed photos and sort them into new storage boxes
Organize and cull existing photo albums

May goals:
— Make a plan for new baby’s nursery
— Purposefully plan for Memorial Day, since we’ll be staying local
— Do something nice for June’s teachers for Teacher Appreciation Day (May 8th!)
— Fill out the two-year-old section of June’s baby book
— Inquire with three more designers/services about e-design
— Decide which baby book to use for new baby
— Organize my 2018 personal photos into my new organizational folder system

If you have goals for the month (or something you’re loving right now!), I’d love to hear in the comments! And what do you think about this new format? Fun? Too much all at once? I’m still undecided, so let me know…

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May 1, 2018 7:56 am

I like it! I’ve always liked your goal posts (they’re what inspired me to start making monthly goals!), and loved the addition of the “what I read” section a few months ago. These new additions are fun, too!

May 1, 2018 11:15 am

I’ve always loved your monthly goal setting posts and would miss them if you stopped writing. That being said I loved this updated version and think it’s a fun way to change things up! Happy May :-)

May 1, 2018 1:04 pm

I have always liked your goal posts, but think these new additions are also fun!

May 1, 2018 2:11 pm

I’ve always liked the goal posts, and I super like the new version! And now I’ve added three new books to my library hold list :)

May 1, 2018 3:18 pm

I like this simple format but then again, I’m a new reader so I’m not sure what your others look like!

May 2, 2018 3:35 pm

Hooray for May! I love these goals, my friend. Also, making a plan for your baby boy’s nursery sounds like the best way to spend this special month :)

May 2, 2018 5:29 pm

I love the new set up! Thanks for the dress recommendations, I am looking to add to my wardrobe!

May 5, 2018 7:10 pm

I love the new additions—especially the calendar and “what I’m loving.” I decided to get a Promptly Journal for Baby Two, and I’m loving it so far! It has simple, meaningful prompts that aren’t cheesy. It’s designed simply and beautifully. Also, it goes from pregnancy to 18 years old! I’m considering getting one for Fox now as well. I love that it gives me blank space to do my own thing, but also prompts me to record things I might not think of otherwise. It’s worth checking out if you haven’t already! It’s the childhood history journal. Xo!

May 8, 2018 6:21 am

I’ve always LOVED your goal posts but this is fun too!
Yay for nursery planning and baby book finding and updating (I love Emily Ley’s baby books) x

My May goals are on the blog too: