2015 Goals

5 January 2015

Hello, friends! We’ve had a few days to settle into 2015 – how does it feel? For me, I would say this year feels a bit more like a continuation than turning a truly new page. Instead of setting off on a new path, I’m excited to continue the good progress we made in 2014 – in our home, finances, eating habits, fitness routines, and most importantly, in my heart. (More about that in a moment!)

I’m a little less than a year into my 60 Before 30 goal project, and it’s still very much where my focus is. I think if I were to set goals for 2015, they would look a lot like a pared down version of that list. So instead, I’m going to be sticking to the systems I already have in place, using my daily and monthly goals (explained here) to take small steps toward big progress, and my 60 Before 30 list to check off exciting experiences and larger projects.

And I do hope to make some good 60 Before 30 progress this year! Here are a few I’d love to tackle:
— Order an heirloom-quality wedding album for our home
— Fully fund a savings account for our next car purchase
— Host a favorite things party
— Run the Chick-fil-a 5k
— Make a will
— Follow a year-long Bible reading plan with John
— Go to Europe (!)

Side note: Many of you have asked about the reading plan we’re following. We are using the Bible In One Year plan through the free Youversion app. I prefer to read in my actual Bible versus on the phone, but it’s a convenient way to have the day’s readings and devotional at hand!

Even though I am not setting traditional yearly goals, I’ve been thinking a lot about goals in general the past few weeks. My mind kept turning back to the reason why I (and I imagine most of you) set goals in the first place: to help me move closer to the person I want to be and the life I want to lead.

This year, I feel confident that the systems I’ve set up will continue to help me take small steps toward the things that people can see. My deepest desire, however, is to be a better person at the end of this year than I am now. It’s as simple and as difficult as that. There is a distance between the person I am and the person I am called to be, and I want to be more intentional about shortening that space this year.

Which sounds great! But as someone who thrives on check boxes and measurable progress, this sort of goal is a bit of a head-scratcher, and requires a different system. A well-loved verse from Phillippians came to mind as I was pondering what steps I could take:


Think on these things. The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things. I have seen and heard and know who I’m supposed to be, so now it’s time for me to practice. Each month, I’m choosing a fruit of the Spirit to think on and practice, and I’ll be sharing the journey here. I’m not exactly sure what this will look like yet, but I’m excited to explore!


Expect to see a post about love sometime this month! If I can claim a little more of each of those fruits at the end of 2015, it will have been a very, very good year.

How about y’all? What do you have planned for 2015? What goal are you most excited about? If you have posted your goals somewhere, please leave a link – I’d love to see!

P.S. Can’t forget about January goals! Here they are:
— Send out invitations for a special baby shower!
— Finish our wedding album design and place the order
— Get into a rhythm with John for our daily Bible reading – figure out the best time for it
— Finish the video for our niece’s first year
— Finish celebrating Christmas with my family in Connecticut!

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January 5, 2015 7:28 am

Thank you for posting the link to the bible reading plan & app you are using. I have been thinking more about trying it with the new year. Also, my husband and I took Nicky’s Alpha course so I was happy to see he’s associated with the plan. Hopefully this will be the fire we need to get started!

Happy new year!

January 5, 2015 9:42 am

What is a favorite things party? I don’t know what it is but it sounds like it must be fun!

January 5, 2015 10:01 am

I love hearing about your goals! Especially those on your 30 before 30 list. I am in denial that I only have about a year and a half left to finish my 30 before 30….

If you need a little encouragement in your goals see my post on motivation here: http://www.rosetintedhome.com/motivation/

xo Rachel

January 5, 2015 10:17 am

Oh, Em. I love this post! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on goals and hopes for the new year. Also, I need to hear more details about this trip to Europe… !!!

January 5, 2015 12:38 pm

One of my yearly goals is the Bible in One Year too! I have been looking for a good plan so thank you for sharing.

Here are my January goals and yearly goals: http://alwaysemmyhope.com/2015/01/01/2015-january-goals/

January 5, 2015 12:53 pm

Which company are you using to design/print your wedding album? I got married in May 2013 and still need to make that happen…!

January 5, 2015 1:07 pm

Hope you share your neices video. I’d love to see it!

January 5, 2015 10:33 pm

This is such a wonderful goal. Being rooted in scripture makes it all the better! I would love to link my goals here but they are still cooking :)

January 5, 2015 11:40 pm

This is a beautiful way to outline the year–can’t wait to read about it! Also, yay for Europe, and if y’all need running buddies for the Chick Fil A race, Dave is fast and I am slow, but we’ll be there ;)

January 6, 2015 3:42 am

Your goal setting has inspired me so much over the last year, thank you so much for that! The thing I’m most looking forward to this year is the three months off of work that I have at the end of the year, and a trip back to the US to visit my family and spend some time exploring the east coast.

January 6, 2015 7:36 am

I love the way you’ve approached yours goals this year – it reminds me a lot of how Gretchen Rubin did in The Happiness Project… but I love that yours are faith-based! I had given thought to doing something similar, but with 1 Corinthians 13, and focusing on the ways in which to love (really focus on one each month, and build on it).

I, too, am planning on a Europe trip this year! It’s been far too long since I’ve been. I shared my 2015 goals – http://stephseekingjoy.wordpress.com/2015/01/01/happy-2015/

January 6, 2015 10:10 am

@Lisa I am slow and John is fast, so it sounds like we have running partners ready made! :)
@Jessica Amazing! Let me know if you want any East Coast tips!
@Steph I considered basing mine on 1 Corinthians – that would also be an amazing project!

January 6, 2015 8:33 pm

I have been wanting to create an heirloom wedding album as well! Do you mind telling me what company you are using or what website? Thanks!

January 9, 2015 12:21 pm

Hi Em!

I am so excited! I just posted my first ever goal-setting blog post! Thanks for inspiring me to share my goals with my online friends! I always love reading yours and finding encouragement and new ideas! http://www.wearetlk.com/tlkblog/2015/1/3/my-2015-goals